Web Widgets

Web Widgets help you to get your digital scoreboards on your website. Integrate it on your team website, community website or anywhere else.

  1. What is it really?
  2. Export Web-Widget
  3. Integrate on Website

What is it really?

Web Widgets are controls for your website that read your FTP data and display them in a digital scoreboard, that automatically reloads every x seconds.

These widgets are built with HTML, PHP and JavaScript.
A Widget consists of:

  1. scoreboard.php
    this is the main file that handles reloads
  2. control/canvas.js
    this is the main drawing routine for your scoreboard
  3. control/variables.js
    this file contains all variables that are transferred from PHP to JavaScript
  4. control/scoreboard.php
    this is the core internal main file for a scoreboard. It's rendered and ready for use, but doesn't reload its content

Export Web-Widget

You can export sample Web Widgets directly from the Live Score desktop application. Go to Edit->Settings and open the Widgets tab.
There just click on a widget of your sport and you'll be prompted for the export path. After the export has been finished, you have all required files, ready to either integrate on your website or adjust for your own special needs.

Integrate on Website

The best way to integrate the scoreboard on your website is to use iFrames.
iFrames are used to embed an external website or part of a website in your own website without a complex integration in your source code.
So you can just use a Web Widget, copy it to your web server and refer to it in an iFrame.
Another good thing is, you can also maintain it in one place, while it's deployed on multiple websites.

Here is a sample on how to use a Web Widget as an iFrame:

< iframe src="http://www.myserver.com/scoreboard.php"
	style="display: block; line-height: 0; margin: 0px !important;" 
	frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="254" height="60">
< / iframe>