StatCrew Input

Live Score 1.6 and above can use the data from your StatCrew software as an input source, and automatically update your scoreboard data in Live Score.
It uses the StatCrew export files as a data feed and converts that information to Live Score compatible data.

  1. Setup StatCrew Input

Setup StatCrew Input

StatCrew Input can be enabled in the Input Source section of the Live Score Settings dialog, or within the Main Menu in Tools -> StatCrew. Here you can enter all required data, which is also described in this user guide.

The StatCrew input will be started when you "Start" your game with the blue Start button of Live Score.
The system will now look for your file every x seconds and extract that data depending on your current sport.

Please note, that StatCrew input is only available for Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, Football and Soccer.

StatCrew Settings

Indicates if the StatCrew input is active or not, if the current sport supports StatCrew data.

StatCrew File
This is your operation mode of the StatCrew feature.
You can decide to either read the XML file that is generated on your local machine or in your local network,
or read a XML file that is hosted on your server.
The URL mode is useful when your Live Score computer and StatCrew computer are located in different areas of your venue.

Local path or network path to your StatCrew export file. This file is used to load all required data for your current sport.

URL Path
URL of the XML file on your server. This field is used when URL mode is turned on.
Use the button next to the field to check if your file is available.

The time interval for reloading the StatCrew file. The lower you set this value, the more often your file is loaded, which leads to more accurate data, but maybe lower pc performance.

Sport Settings

Each sport has its own configuration about which elements should be automatically operated with StatCrew.
If you disable an element, no updates will be used from the StatCrew input.
In that case, it's necessary to manually operate that element with the Built-In Sports Control or your iOS Remote controls.
This feature can be used if you want to manually focus on certain elements instead of letting StatCrew do the work for you.