Scoreboard Layout Guidelines

This page should help you to create your own scoreboard layout. Before reading this, make sure you're familiar with the Custom Scoreboards documentation and XAML/WPF.

  1. Layout
  2. Controls
  3. Control Resource Styles
  4. Adjustable Colors
  5. Images
  6. Animations and Effects
  7. Sport Layout Controls
    1. Baseball / Softball
    2. Basketball
    3. Cricket
    4. Football (American)
    5. Handball
    6. Hockey
    7. MMA / Wrestling
    8. Multi-Sport
    9. Rugby
    10. Soccer
    11. Tennis


Specifying your own Scoreboard is easy.
Create a new WPF layout with a Root Grid control and max width 813px:

< UserControl d:DesignHeight="668" d:DesignWidth="813">
	< Grid 	x:Name="Panel" Background="#FF0020EA" Margin="0,50,0,0"
		MinWidth="813" MaxWidth="813" Height="668" 
		VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
	< /Grid>
< /UserControl>


Within this grid control, you can use whatever control you want to.
To extend your scoreboard with functionality, you need to set the names of your controls to one of available names.
LiveScore looks for all these controls in your layout, and uses them if they exist.
Set a name by using the x:Name tag, like this: x:Name="Panel".

Remember: Do not use duplicate names. Names and control types need to match.

Control Resource Styles

Some controls of your scoreboard are visual controls with a state that can be toggled, e.g. Bases, Outs, Strikes, ...
You can create your own styles for these toggle controls by defining custom user control resources.
Depending on your sport, different styles are available, and used when remote controlling your scoreboard
The code below, demonstrates a style for bases in a baseball scoreboard.

< UserControl.Resources>
   < Style x:Key="BaseON" TargetType="Rectangle">
	< Setter Property="Fill" Value="Yellow">
        < Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Yellow">
        < /Style>
   < Style x:Key="BaseOFF" TargetType="Rectangle">
	< Setter Property="Fill" Value="#FF525252">
        < Setter Property="Stroke" Value="#FF3F3F3F">
        < /Style>
< /UserControl.Resources>

// use it wherever you want to
Style = "{DynamicResource BaseOFF}" 

Adjustable Colors

Some colors of scoreboards can be adjusted and customized in the Live Score desktop application.
If you want to make your own scoreboard colors adjustable, create a color resource with the key names from the list below like the in this sample.

< UserControl.Resources>
   < LinearGradientBrush x:Key="PrimaryColor">
		< GradientStop Color="Black">< /GradientStop>
   < /LinearGradientBrush >
   < LinearGradientBrush x:Key="SecondaryColor">
		< GradientStop Color="Black">< /GradientStop>
   < /LinearGradientBrush >
< /UserControl.Resources>

// use it wherever you want to
< Style x:Key="BaseON" TargetType="Rectangle" >
	< Setter Property="Fill" Value="{DynamicResource PrimaryColor}" />
< /Style>

This is a list of available color resources that can be changed within the application if found in your scoreboard.

Style x:Name Category Description
AwayColor Team Colors Color for your Away Team
HomeColor Color for your Home Team
PrimaryColor Scoreboard Colors Main Color for your scoreboard
SecondaryColor Additional color for your scoreboard
TextColor Color for your scoreboard texts


You can use any kind of images in your scoreboard by using the < image > control.
Make sure to set the Source property of your image as a relative path to your layout file.
After that set the same value for the Tag property of the control.
Live Score will automatically detect the image file by using the Tag property and calculate the absolute path of this file,
so that it will be displayed correctly, no matter where the file is stored.
Live Score provides dynamic images that can be edited within the GUI.
These images need to be named as mentioned in the Scoreboard Layout Guidelines.

< Image Source="myImage.png" Tag="myImage.png" Stretch="Fill" />

In addition to plain image elements you can also use an ImageBrush.

Brushes can then be used within various elements.
It's e.g. possible to automatically create a circular image based on the image you provide within Live Score. In that case, just create a Resource with the corresponding image key name, and then use it somewhere within the layout itself.

< ImageBrush x:Key="ImageBattingTeam" Stretch="UniformToFill" />

< Ellipse Height="75" Width="75" Stroke="White" StrokeThickness="2" Fill="{DynamicResource ImageBattingTeam}" />


Animations help you to provide effects on certain events of your scoreboard.
These animations can be implemented by using WPF Storyboards.
A storyboard contains a timeline in which you can adjust all properties for multiple controls.
This means that you can e.g. move your scoreboard down and simultanously adjust its opacity.
You can either code your storyboard timeline on your own, or use the Timeline-Editor of Microsoft Expression Blend.
Live Score looks for defined storyboard names and triggers them on specific events.
You only need to make sure, that you use the corresponding names, which can be taken from the Sport Layout Controls below.

// Opacity Animation for Score-Home Label
< Storyboard x:Key="ScoreHomeAnimation">
  < DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetProperty="(UIElement.Opacity)" Storyboard.TargetName="ScoreHome">
		< EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0" Value="1"/>
		< EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.2" Value="0"/>
		< EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.4" Value="1"/>
  < /DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames>
< /Storyboard>

American Football

Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
Style x:Name Category Control Description
TimeoutON Delay Style The ON style for available timeout shapes
TimeoutOFF Style The OFF style used timeout shapes
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Teams Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
TeamRecordsContainer Border will be toggled for team records visible/invisible
TeamRecordAway Label records for away team
TeamRecordHome Label records for home team
ScoreAway Scores Label score of the away team
ScoreHome Label score of the home team
QuarterContainer Quarters Border will be toggled for quarter visible/invisible
Quarter Label current quarter
TimeContainer Time Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 02:34 minutes
PlayClockContainer Border will be toggled for play clock visible/invisible
PlayClock Label current play clock time, e.g. 40 or 25 seconds
DownsContainer Downs / Yards Border will be toggled for downs and yards visible/invisible
DownsAndYards Label current progress of downs and yards, e.g. 2nd & 10
Downs Label shows the current downs only
FlagContainer Delay Border will be toggled for flags
TimeoutFlagContainer Timeouts Border will be toggled for the timeout flag visible/invisible
TimeoutContainer Border will be toggled for timeouts visible/invisible
TimeoutAway1 Border rectangle for timeout away 1
TimeoutAway2 Border rectangle for timeout away 2
TimeoutAway3 Border rectangle for timeout away 3
TimeoutHome1 Border rectangle for timeout home 1
TimeoutHome2 Border rectangle for timeout home 2
PossessionContainer Possession Border will be toggled for possession visible/invisible
PossessionAway Border possession indicator for away team
PossessionHome Border possession indicator for home team
LineOfScrimmageContainer Line of Scrimmage Border will be toggled for line-of-scrimmage visible/invisible
LineOfScrimmage Label text for line-of-scrimmage yards display. Use as placeholder in template text
TouchdownContainer Touchdown Border will be toggled for Touchdown indicator
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)

Baseball / Softball

Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
InningAnimation Inning Storyboard Animation when inning number or side changes
Style x:Name Category Control Description
BaseON Bases Style The ON style for your base rectangle
BaseOFF Style The OFF style for your base rectangle
BallsON Balls Style The ON style for the balls shape
BallsOFF Style The OFF style of the balls shape
StrikesON Strikes Style The ON style for the strikes shape
StrikesOFF Style The OFF style for the strikes shape
OutsON Outs Style The ON style for the outs shape
OutsOFF Style The OFF style for the outs shape
CircleON Strikes/Balls/Outs Style A generic ON style for circle shapes (Balls, Strikes, Outs)
CircleOFF Style A generic OFF style for circle shapes (Balls, Strikes, Outs)

Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Teams Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
BattingTeam Label the current batting team short name
BattingTeamFull Label the current batting team full name
FieldingTeam Label the current fielding team short name
FieldingTeamFull Label the current fielding team full name
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
ImageBattingTeam Image the image of the current batting team
ImageFieldingTeam Image the image of the current fielding team
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
PitcherContainer Pitcher Border will be toggled for pitcher visible/invisible
Pitcher Label The name of the current pitcher
BatterContainer Batter Border will be toggled for batter visible/invisible
BatterFull Label The full name and number of the current batter
BatterName Label The name of the current batter
BatterFormatted Label A custom format for the batter display. Please see our Baseball Guide for more.
BatterNr Label The number of the current batter
BatterPosition Label The position of the current batter
BatterWalks Label The number of walks of the current batter
BatterStrikeouts Label The number of strikeouts of the current batter
BattingTeamPlayer1_Name, BattingTeamPlayer2_Name, ... Roster Batting Label The name of the current batting team players. The number indicates the lineup position.
BattingTeamPlayer1_Number, BattingTeamPlayer2_Number, ... Label The number of the current batting team players. The number indicates the lineup position.
BattingTeamPlayer1_Position, BattingTeamPlayer2_Position, ... Label The position (P, C, 1B, ...) of the current batting team players. The number indicates the lineup position.
BattingTeam_P_Name, BattingTeam_C_Name, ... Label The name of the position of the current batting team. Available positions can be found in the list above.
FieldingTeamPlayer1_Name, FieldingTeamPlayer2_Name, ... Roster Fielding Label The name of the current fielding team players. The number indicates the lineup position.
FieldingTeamPlayer1_Number, FieldingTeamPlayer2_Number, ... Label The number of the current fielding team players. The number indicates the lineup position.
FieldingTeamPlayer1_Position, FieldingTeamPlayer2_Position, ... Label The position of the current fielding team players. The number indicates the lineup position.
FieldingTeam_P_Container, FieldingTeam_C_Container, ... Border A container for visibility of the position of the current fielding team. If the player is not set, the container is not visible. Available positions can be found in the list above.
FieldingTeam_P_Name, FieldingTeam_C_Name, ... Label The name of the position of the current fielding team. Available positions can be found in the list above.
TeamAway_P_Name, TeamAway_C_Name, ... Roster Away Label The name of the position of the away team. Available positions can be found in the list above.
TeamHome_P_Name, TeamHome_C_Name, ... Roster Home Label The name of the position of the home team. Available positions can be found in the list above.
RunsContainer Runs Border will be toggled for runs visible/invisible
ScoreAway Label score of the away team
ScoreHome Label score of the home team
InningContainer Inning Border will be toggled for outs visible/invisible
Inning1Container, Inning2Container, ... Border separate container for different innings. You can use these for line scores, or other familiar display types.
InningFull Label display for inning side and number (TOP 1, BOT 5)
Inning Label inning number
InningTop Shape shape for inning top
InningBottom Shape shape for inning bottom
BallsContainer Balls Border will be toggled for balls visible/invisible
BallsNumber Label number of balls
Balls1Circle Ellipse circle for ball #1
Balls2Circle Ellipse circle for ball #2
Balls3Circle Ellipse circle for ball #3
StrikesContainer Strikes Border will be toggled for strikes visible/invisible
StrikesNumber Label number of strikes
Strikes1Circle Ellipse circle for strike #1
Strikes2Circle Ellipse circle for strike #2
StrikeOutContainer Border will be toggled when stike out display is being used
OutsContainer Outs Border will be toggled for outs visible/invisible
OutsNumber Label number of outs
Outs1Circle Ellipse circle for out #1
Outs2Circle Ellipse circle for out #2
BasesContainer Bases Border will be toggled for bases visible/invisible
Base1 Rectangle rectangle for base 1
Base2 Rectangle rectangle for base 2
Base3 Rectangle rectangle for base 3
PitchCountContainer Pitching Border will be toggled for pitch count visible/invisible
PitchCount Label number of pitches for the current pitcher
HitsContainer Hits Border will be toggled for hits visible/invisible
HitsAway Label number of hits for guest team
HitsHome Label number of hits for home team
ErrorsContainer Errors Border will be toggled for errors visible/invisible
ErrorsAway Label number of errors for guest team
ErrorsHome Label number of errors for home team
LOBContainer Left On Base Border will be toggled for hits visible/invisible
LOBAway Label number of LOB for guest team
LOBHome Label number of LOB for home team
HomeRunContainer Home Runs Border will be toggled for home-run display visible/invisible
PitchSpeedContainer Pitch Speed Border will be toggled for pitch speed display visible/invisible
PitchSpeed Label formatted pitch speed output
PreviousPitchSpeed Label formatted output of the previous pitch speed


Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
TeamRecordsContainer Border will be toggled for team records visible/invisible
TeamRecordAway Label records of team away
TeamRecordHome Label records of team home
ImageHome Image logo for team home
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
PeriodContainer Period Border will be toggled for period visible/invisible
Period Border current period of the game displayed as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and OT
PeriodNumber Border current period of the game displayed as 1, 2, 3 and OT
TimeContainer Time Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 16:09 minutes
ShotClockContainer Border will be toggled for shot clock visible/invisible
ShotClock Label current shot clock time in seconds
ScoreAway Scoring Label game score of the away team
ScoreHome Label game score of the home team
BonusAway Border will be toggled for bonus away visible/invisible
BonusHome Border will be toggled for bonus home visible/invisible
FoulsContainer Fouls Border will be toggled for fouls visible/invisible
FoulsAway Label number of fouls of the away team
FoulsHome Label number of fouls of the home team
FoulsAway1, FoulsAway2, ... Shape shape for fouls away
FoulsHome1, FoulsHome2, ... Shape shape for fouls home
TimeoutContainer Timeouts Border will be toggled for timeouts visible/invisible
TimeoutsHomeNumber Label timeouts left for team home
TimeoutsAwayNumber Label timeout left for team away
TimeoutAway1 Shape timeout #1 for team away
TimeoutAway2 Shape timeout #2 for team away
TimeoutAway3 Shape timeout #3 for team away
TimeoutAway4 Shape timeout #4 for team away
TimeoutAway5 Shape timeout #5 for team away
TimeoutAway6 Shape timeout #6 for team away
TimeoutAway7 Shape timeout #7 for team away
TimeoutHome1 Shape timeout #1 for team home
TimeoutHome2 Shape timeout #2 for team home
TimeoutHome3 Shape timeout #3 for team home
TimeoutHome4 Shape timeout #4 for team home
TimeoutHome5 Shape timeout #5 for team home
TimeoutHome6 Shape timeout #6 for team home
TimeoutHome7 Shape timeout #7 for team home
PossessionContainer Possession Border will be toggled for possession visible/invisible
PossessionText Label Text display with "POS: {team}" in case of possession.
PossessionAway Border visible if team away has possession
PossessionHome Border visible if team home has possession
IntermissionContainer Intermission Border will be toggled for intermission visible/invisible
IntermissionText Label text that should be displayed as intermission text


Color x:Name Category Control Description
BattingTeamColor Teams Brush Use this color resource to automatically show the color of the batting team. Please note you need to have the colors "ColorTeamAway" and "ColorTeamHome" to make that work.
FieldingTeamColor Teams Brush Use this color resource to automatically show the color of the fielding team. Please note you need to have the colors "ColorTeamAway" and "ColorTeamHome" to make that work.
Control Templates
Style x:Name Category Control Description
TemplateDeliverySix Balls ControlTemplate Template for 6 runs
TemplateDeliveryFour ControlTemplate Template for 4 runs
TemplateDeliveryRun ControlTemplate Template for single runs
TemplateDeliveryNoBall ControlTemplate Template for "No Ball"
TemplateDeliveryWide ControlTemplate Template for Wides
TemplateDeliveryBye ControlTemplate Template for Byes
TemplateDeliveryLegBye ControlTemplate Template for Leg Byes
TemplateDeliveryDotBall ControlTemplate Template for Dot Balls
TemplateDeliveryWicket ControlTemplate Template for Wickets
TemplateDeliveryRunOut ControlTemplate Template for Run Outs
Object x:Name Category Control Description
InningTopContainer Innings Border This container will be shown in inning TOP
InningBottomContainer Border This container will be shown in inning BOT
BattingTeam Teams Label The name of the batting team
ImageBattingTeam Image The image of the batting team
FieldingTeam Label The name of the fielding team
ImageFieldingTeam Image The image of the fielding team
MainScore Scores Label The formatted output of the main score.
Wickets Label The number of wickets
Runs Label The number of runs of the batting team
BatterIndicator1 Batters Border The indicator that batter 1 is hitting
BatterIndicator2 Border The indicator that batter 2 is hitting
Batter1 Label The name of batter 1
Batter1Stats Label The stats of batter 1
Batter1Full Label The name + stats of batter 1
Batter2 Label The name of batter 2
Batter2Stats Label The stats of batter 2
Batter2Full Label The name + stats of batter 2
Bowler Bowler Label The name of the bowler
BowlerStats Label The stats of the bowler
BowlerFull Label The name + stats of the bowler
OverContainer Overs Border Can be used to hide the over element
Overs Label The number of the current over
BallsContainer Border Can be used to hide the balls elements
Ball1 - Ball10 Label The value of the ball. If a control template is assigned, this one will be used
RunRateContainer Run Rates Border Can be used to hide the run rate
RunRate Label The value of the current run rate
ReqRunsContainer Label Can be used to hide the required runs
ReqRunsFormatted Label A formatted text that also included the required runs
ReqRunsRateContainer Border Can be used to hide the required run rate
ReqRunRate Label The value of the current required run rate
DisplaysContainer Displays Border Can be used to hide displays
OutDisplayContainer Border Will be toggled when showing/hiding the Out display
FreeHitDisplayContainer Border Will be toggled when showing/hiding the Free Hit display
Text1 Text Border A custom text that can be used to show the tournament name or anything else


Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Teams Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
ScoreAway Label score of the away team
ScoreHome Label score of the home team
PeriodContainer Period Border will be toggled for period visible/invisible
Period Border current period of the game displayed as 1st, 2nd, OT1 and OT2
TimeContainer Time Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 16:09 minutes
ExclusionContainer Exclusions Border will be toggled for exclusions visible/invisible
ExclusionPlayerAway1Container Border container for exclusion player
ExclusionPlayerAway2Container Border container for exclusion player
ExclusionPlayerHome2Container Border container for exclusion player
ExclusionPlayerHome2Container Border container for exclusion player
ExclusionAway1 Label formatted exclusion time of player away 1 if set
ExclusionAway2 Label formatted exclusion time of player away 2 if set
ExclusionPlayerAway1 Label player number of exclusion away 1 if set
ExclusionPlayerAway2 Label player number of exclusion away 2 if set
ExclusionHome1 Label formatted exclusion time of player home 1 if set
ExclusionHome2 Label formatted exclusion time of player home 2 if set
ExclusionPlayerHome1 Label player number of exclusion home 1 if set
ExclusionPlayerHome2 Label player number of exclusion home 2 if set
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
EmptyGoalAwayContainer Empty Goals Border will be toggled for empty-goal away display visible/invisible
EmptyGoalHomeContainer Border will be toggled for empty-goal home display visible/invisible


Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
PeriodAnimation Period Storyboard Animation when period changes
PowerPlayON Penalties Storyboard Animation when power play starts
PowerPlayOFF Storyboard Animation when power play ends
Resources x:Name Category Control Description
GoalDisplayBackgroundColor Goal LinearGradientBrush Use this for your Goal Display element.
The brush will be automatically updated to the scoring Team Color.
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
ImageHome Image logo for team home
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
PeriodContainer Period Border will be toggled for period visible/invisible
Period Border current period of the game displayed as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and OT
PeriodNumber Border current period of the game displayed as 1, 2, 3 and OT
TimeContainer Time Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 16:09 minutes
TimeOfDayContainer Border will be toggled for day-time visible/invisible
TimeOfDay Label current time of the day
ScoreAway Scoring Label game score of the away team
ScoreHome Label game score of the home team
EmptyNetAwayContainer Border visible element for empty-net of the guest team
EmptyNetHomeContainer Border visible element for empty-net of the home team
ShotsContainer Shots Border will be toggled for shots visible/invisible
ShotsAway Border current shots count for team away
ShotsHome Border current shots count for team home
PenaltyContainer Penalties Border will be toggled for penalties visible/invisible
PenaltyAway1Container Border will be toggled for penalties player away 1 visible/invisible
PenaltyAway2Container Border will be toggled for penalties player away 2 visible/invisible
PenaltyHome1Container Border will be toggled for penalties player home 1 visible/invisible
PenaltyHome2Container Border will be toggled for penalties player home 2 visible/invisible
PenaltyAway1 Label formatted penalty time of player away 1 if set
PenaltyAway2 Label formatted penalty time of player away 2 if set
PenaltyHome1 Label formatted penalty time of player home 1 if set
PenaltyHome2 Label formatted penalty time of player home 2 if set
PenaltyPlayerAway1 Label player number of penalty away 1 if set
PenaltyPlayerAway2 Label player number of penalty away 2 if set
PenaltyPlayerHome1 Label player number of penalty home 1 if set
PenaltyPlayerHome2 Label player number of penalty home 2 if set
DelayedPenaltyAwayContainer Border will be automatically toggled for delayed penalty away
DelayedPenaltyHomeContainer Border will be automatically toggled for delayed penalty home
PowerPlayContainer Power Play Border will be automatically toggled for power-play visible/invisible
PowerPlayTime Label formatted power play time
PowerPlayText Label text to indicate the power play, e.g. 5 ON 4
GoalDisplayContainer Goal Display Border will be automatically toggled for Goal-Display visible/invisible
GoalDisplayText Label shows your custom GOAL text when visible.
ShootoutTotalAway Game Winning Shots Label total number of shootout goals for away team.
ShootoutTotalHome Label total number of shootout goals for home team.
ShootoutRound(NR) Border will be visible if round has been reached.
Extend with any number like ShootoutRound1, ..., ShootoutRound4
ShootoutAwayHit(NR) Border will be visible for a successful round of team away.
Extend with any number like ShootoutAwayHit1, ..., ShootoutAwayHit4
ShootoutAwayMiss(NR) Border will be visible for a miss of team away.
Extend with any number like ShootoutAwayMiss1, ..., ShootoutAwayMiss4
ShootoutHomeHit(NR) Border will be visible for a successful round of team home.
Extend with any number like ShootoutHomeHit1, ..., ShootoutHomeHit4
ShootoutAwayMiss(NR) Border will be visible for a miss of team home.
Extend with any number like ShootoutAwayMiss1, ..., ShootoutAwayMiss4
IntermissionClockContainer Intermission Border show/hide intermission area with the elements
IntermissionClock Label intermission clock text


Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Scoring Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
ScoreAway Label score of the away team
ScoreHome Label score of the home team
TriesHome League / Union Label number of tries for home team
TriesAway Label number of tries for away team
PenaltiesHome Label number of penalties for home team
PenaltiesAway Label number of penalties for away team
ConversionsHome Label number of conversions for home team
ConversionsAway Label number of conversions for away team
FieldGoalsHome Label number of field goals for home team
FieldGoalsAway Label number of field goals for away team
GoalsHome AFL Label number of goals for home team
GoalsAway Label number of goals for away team
BehindsHome Label number of behinds for home team
BehindsAway Label number of behinds for away team
HalvesContainer Time Border will be toggled for halves visible/invisible
Halftime Label current half
TimeContainer Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 02:34 minutes
TimeOfDayContainer Border will be toggled for time-of-day visible/invisible
TimeOfDay Label displays the current time of day in a text label
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
FlagContainer Flag Border will be toggled for flag visible/invisible
MetresGainedContainer Metres-Gained Border will be toggled for metres-gained visible/invisible
MetresGained Label number for the metres-gained value
SetTacklesContainer Set-Tackles Border will be toggled for set-tackles visible/invisible
SetTackles Label current value for set-tackles, e.g. 1st, 2nd, ...
CardsContainer Cards Border will be toggled for cards visible/invisible
CardsAwayYellow1 Border shape for yellow card #1 of the away team
CardsAwayYellow2 Border shape for yellow card #2 of the away team
CardsAwayYellow3 Border shape for yellow card #3 of the away team
CardsAwayRed1 Border shape for red card #1 of the away team
CardsAwayRed2 Border shape for red card #2 of the away team
CardsHomeYellow1 Border shape for yellow card #1 of the home team
CardsHomeYellow2 Border shape for yellow card #2 of the home team
CardsHomeYellow3 Border shape for yellow card #3 of the home team
CardsHomeRed1 Border shape for red card #1 of the home team
CardsHomeRed2 Border shape for red card #2 of the home team
TurnoversConcededAway Statistics Label number for turnovers away
TurnoversConcededHome Label number for turnovers home
TacklesAway Label number for tackles away
TacklesHome Label number for tackles home
TacklesMissedAway Label number for tackles-missed away
TacklesMissedHome Label number for tackles-missed home
LineBreaksAway Label number for linebreaks away
LineBreaksHome Label number for linebreaks home
PenaltiesConcededAway Label number for penalties away
PenaltiesConcededHome Label number for penalties home
ErrorsAway Label number for errors away
ErrorsHome Label number for errors home
TerritoryPercentageAway Label percentage value for territory away
TerritoryPercentageHome Label percentage value for territory home
PossessionPercentageAway Label percentage value for possession away
PossessionPercentageHome Label percentage value for possession home


Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
RoundsContainer Border will be toggled for rounds visible/invisible
Round Rounds Label displays the current round number
MaxRounds Label displays the maximum rounds number
MatchTitleContainer Match Border will be toggled for match-title visible/invisible
MatchTitle Label current match title
WeightClassContainer Border will be toggled for weight-class visible/invisible
WeightClass Label current weight class information
FightersContainer Fighters Border will be toggled for fighters visible/invisible
Fighter1 name of fighter 1
Fighter2 name of fighter 2
TeamsContainer will be toggled for team names visible/invisible
TeamName1 name of team 1
TeamName2 name of team 2
RecordsContainer Border will be toggled for fighter records visible/invisible
RecordsFighter1 Label record entry for fighter 1
RecordsFighter2 Label record entry for fighter 2
ScoresContainer Scores Border will be toggled for scores visible/invisible
ScoreFighter1 score of fighter 1
ScoreFighter2 score of fighter 2
TeamScoresContainer Border will be toggled for team scores visible/invisible
ScoreTeam1 score of team 1
ScoreTeam2 score of team 2
TimeContainer Time Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 03:25 minutes
ShotClockContainer Border will be toggled for shot clock visible/invisible
ShotClock Label current shot clock time
RidingTimeFighter1Container Riding Time Border will be visible if riding time for fighter 1 is active
RidingTimeFighter2Container Border will be visible if riding time for fighter 2 is active
RidingTime1 Label riding time text for fighter 1
RidingTime2 Label riding time text for fighter 2
IntermissionClock Label Intermission Clock

Multi Sport

Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
SideAwayAnimation Storyboard Animation when side changes to away
SideHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when side changes to home
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Teams Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
ScoreAway Scoring Label score of the away team
ScoreHome Label score of the home team
GamesContainer Border will be toggled for games visible/invisible
GamesAway Label won games of the away team
GamesHome Label won games of the home team
SideAway Shape will be toggled for side visible/invisible
SideHome Shape will be toggled for side visible/invisible
TimeContainer Time Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 02:34 minutes
ShotClockContainer Border will be toggled for shot clock visible/invisible
ShotClock Label current shot clock second, e.g. 12
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
Text1 Texts Label editable text for Textfield Text1
PeriodContainer Periods Border will be toggled for periods visible/invisible
Period Label display of current period


Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Scoring Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
ScoreAway Label score of the away team
ScoreHome Label score of the home team
PeriodContainer Period Border show/hide display of period number
Period Label current period number
Halftime Time Label current halftime of the game
TimeContainer Border will be toggled for time visible/invisible
Time Label current stopwatch time, e.g. 16:09 minutes
AdditionalTimeContainer Border will be toggled for additional time visible/invisible
AdditionalTime Label current stopwatch additional time, e.g. 5:00 minutes
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
ShotsContainer Shots on Goals Border show/hide shots on goals
ShotsAway Label shots of the away team
ShotsHome Label shots of the home team
AggregateContainer Aggregate Mode Border will be toggled for aggregate mode visible/invisible
AggregateCaption Label the display caption of the aggregation goals
AggregateAway Label the aggregated goals of the away team
AggregateHome Label the aggregated goals of the home team
Text1 Label a separate text for some layouts


Storyboard Name Category Type Description
ScoreAwayAnimation Scoring Storyboard Animation when away score changes
ScoreHomeAnimation Storyboard Animation when home score changes
SideAwayAnimation Sides Storyboard Serve changes to away player
SideAwayAnimation Storyboard Serve changes to home player
GamePointAnimation Games Storyboard Game point is scored
GamePointAwayAnimation Storyboard Game point for away player is scored
GamePointHomeAnimation Storyboard Game point for home player is scored
Set1StartedAnimation, Set2StartedAnimation, ... Sets Storyboard Set X has started. Sets available until 10.
BreakPointStartAnimation Displays Storyboard Break Point display is enabled
BreakPointStopAnimation Storyboard Break Point display is stopped
TieBreakStartAnimation Storyboard Tie Break display is started
TieBreakEndAnimation Storyboard Tie Break display is stopped
MatchPointStartAnimation Storyboard Match Point display is started
MatchPointEndAnimation Storyboard Match Point display is stopped
SetPointStartAnimation Storyboard Set Point display is started
SetPointEndAnimation Storyboard Set Point display is stopped
ServerSpeedDetectedAnimation Serve Speed Storyboard Serve Speed is detected
Style x:Name Category Control Description
StyleGame Games Style The regular style of games
StyleGameWon Style The style of games that have been won
StyleGameLos Style The style of games that have been lost
Object x:Name Category Control Description
Panel Layout Grid root panel
TeamAway Label name of the away team
TeamHome Label name of the home team
TeamAwayFull Label full name of the away team
TeamHomeFull Label full name of the home team
SideAway Shape will be toggled for side visible/invisible
SideHome Shape will be toggled for side visible/invisible
ImageAway Images Image logo for team away
ImageHome Image logo for team home
ImageFlagAway Image image for country flag player 1
ImageFlagHome Image image for country flag player 2
Image1 Image the first additional image (if existing)
ScoreAway Scoring Label game score of the away team
ScoreHome Label game score of the home team
Set1Container - Set5Container Border will be toggled for set visible/invisible, use this to hide upcoming sets.
GamesAway1 - GamesAway5 Label number of won games in set 1-5 for guest-player
GamesHome1 - GamesHome5 Label number of won games in set 1-5 for home-player
TieBreakAway1 - TieBreakAway5 Label number of tie break points (if played) in set 1-5 for guest-player
TieBreakHome1 - TieBreakHome5 Label number of tie break points (if played) in set 1-5 for home-player
TotalSetsAway Label number of won sets for away-player
TotalSetsHome Label number of won sets for home-player
MatchTimeContainer Match Time Border will be toggled to hide/show match time
MatchTime Label the text for the match time
RankingContainer Ranking Border will be toggled to hide/show rankings
RankingAway Label ranking for player 1
RankingHome Label ranking for player 2
MatchTitleContainer Match Title Border will be toggled to hide/show match title
MatchTitle Label the text for the match title
ServeSpeedContainer Serve Speed Border will be toggled for Serve speed display visible/invisible
ServeSpeed Label formatted Serve speed output
PreviousServeSpeed Label formatted output of the previous Serve speed