
  1. Game Data
  2. Lineup Module
  3. Stalker Pro

Game Data

The Game Data sidebar panel allows you to configure all kinds of different things for your game.
Please see this list about all available options.

Setting Section Description
Max. Innings General This is the maximum number of regular innings. The game does of course work for unlimited innings. This setting is for the displays of extra innings in the Live Score. Once the maximum innings are reached, runs will count for the extra innings only.
Short Name Teams The short name of the team. Used for abbreviations. Not all layouts use this field.
Full Name The longer (full) name of the team. Used for abbreviations. Not all layouts use this field.
Logo An optional logo of the team. Not all layouts use this field.
Roster Opens the roster manager. Please see the section in this guide on how to manage your players.
Batter Format Batter A custom format for the element BatterFormatted in your scoreboards. You can use this data to build a custom text:
  • {nr} Number
  • {name} Name
  • {p} Position
  • {bp} Batting Pos.
  • {w} Walks
  • {k} Strikeouts
Auto Count Pitching Automatically increase the pitch count on Strikes and Balls.
Speed Unit Unit that should be used to display once you decide to show a pitch speed. Optionats are MPH or KM/H.
Display Duration If a pitch speed is entered, it's automatically shown for a specified amount of seconds. This is the display duration in milliseconds.
Keep Armed If you use a Stalker Pro radar gun, you need to usually arm your detection before a pitch starts. This is to avoid an accidental detection on throws to the catcher. You can use this option to keep the detection armed at all times.

Lineup Module

Live Score comes with a full featured lineup module where you can add both rosters before or during the game.

The players from the lineup will then be used to display pitchers and batters.

To add a new player, simply click on the roster button of your team within the Game Data panel. Here you can add players, modify them or delete them.
Every player can have a specific position. If you chose Pitcher, then that player will be used for the pitcher display.

If you want Live Score to show the players with the correct batting order, please assign a Batting Position for all players that will have an At Bat.
Please note, that the maximum number you enter, will be used for the rotation of the line up. This means, that it works for all types of baseball and softball.

If you need to change players during the game, you can simply update their positions and batting orders. Players that have previously been assigned that position or batting order will be unassigned and put to bench.
This should help you to easily proceed with fast player exchanges.

The complete roster can be exported and imported as CSV file within the Roster Management view. So you can have a backup of your roster or even prepare those in advance.

Once the roster has been created, click on the "submit" button in the Game Data panel to submit your changes.

Live Score should now automatically display the pitchers and batters in the correct batting order during your game. As soon as you switch the innings or click on "Next At Bat", the new batter should be displayed.

If the batting order somehow gets mixed up, you can easily fix this with the corresponding buttons.

Stalker Pro

Baseball allows to use your Stalker Pro device to detect the pitch speed.
Please use this guide on how to setup Stalker Pro in Live Score.