Command Line Interface

With Live Score 1.8.13 and above, it's possible to control some features using the command line interface.

  1. What is a Command-Line Interface?
  2. Chained Commands
  3. Available Commands


Automatically Restart Live Score if it somehow crashes?!
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What is a Command-Line Interface?

A command line interface helps you to interact with a computer program without any graphical user interface.
Instead of this, you use terminal commands to control parts of an application.

This is great if you have some automation scripts that are executed on certain events.

You can use the Windows Command Prompt or the Power Shell as command line interface.
The basic concept is, to execute an application (Live Score) with additional arguments (Commands).

    application.exe {argument1} {argument1}

Here's an example how to automatically start Live Score in "Baseball" mode:

    \\{your-path-to-livescore}\LiveScoreServer.exe baseball

Chained Commands

Sometimes you want to automate a "click path" for Live Score.
This could be starting Live Score, selecting a sport and automatically starting the Live Score system (blue start button).

A use case could be, to restart Live Score if it crashes.
It will make sure that everything is back up, and your remote iOS devices can immediately reconnect to Live Score.

    \\{your-path-to-livescore}\LiveScoreServer.exe baseball start

Available Commands

Here's a list of available commands and their possible steps of usages:

Command Predecessor Commands Description
reset none Resets Live Score to factory defaults
baseball none Selects Baseball
basketball none Select Basketball
football none Select Football
handball none Select Handball
hockey none Select Hockey
multisport none Select Multi-Sport
mma none Select MMA
rugby none Select Rugby
tennis none Select Tennis
soccer none Select Soccer
start (any sport selection) Start the Live Score engine (blue start button)
controls (any sport selection) Opens the Built-In Sports Control for the current sport.