Your Go-To Video Production from Pittsburgh, USA
JRM Video Production offers full video production services from pre-recording and live broadcasting to all major social platforms (YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope, and Twitch.) Their Pittsburgh based team specializes in live events such as sports, concerts, conferences, and more.
"To the average viewer, an on-screen scoreboard seems pretty easy, but anyone in the video production industry knows how much of a challenge it can be to have.
Live Score has made the process of an on-screen scoreboard simple and easy!"
We talked to Jake Mysliwczyk, main founder of JRM Video Production and asked a few questions about their company, what they do and
how they benefit from using Live Score for their sports events.
Thank you for this great interview Jake.
1. Tell us something about JRM Video Production? What is your background?
JRM Video Production started at the core of the pandemic as there was a strong need for video production services as everything was remote.
We are run by myself (Jake Mysliwczyk) and high school friend Ryan Milan.
We each met in video production classes in high school and started live broadcasting events/sports with the school’s equipment while in high school and only 4 years out of school,
we started our own video company. We then made our own "state of the art" broadcast trailer where we produce our broadcasts from.
We specialize in live events mainly sports.
Sports are my favorite to broadcast but we also do musicals, dance recitals, concerts, robot battles, and pre recorded commercial shoots.
The two major sports we do are football (American version) and basketball.
High schools and colleges choose us because we deliver a high quality professional broadcast comparable to watching it on TV.
We feature multiple HD cameras, replay, graphics, announcers and of course a live and accurate score bug!
Our broadcasts are enjoyable to watch as it’s not just a static shot of single camera but we show the viewer
every angle and make the viewer feel as if they are there watching the sporting event in person.
2. Why did you start to use Live Score? What was your first impression?
We’ve spent HOURS and HOURS finding a solution to our on-screen scoreboard.
Before we used Live Score, Ryan, my business partner developed his own program so we could have something on the screen with scores.
I finally came across Live Score while on my hours of google searching in 2019 and we decided to give it a try as we really like the presentation of the website and the iPhone app.
In our first football season in 2020 we had someone use the iPhone app and keep score and it was great.
We knew we could expand the use of Live Score to include down/yards and more.
So whenever we built our broadcast trailer in 2021 we were able to take full advantage of Live Score as we bought a Daktronics All Sport 100 so
we could plug into the stadium controller and not have to rely on our own score keeper.
3. How do you use Live Score for your broadcasts?
We use Live Score obviously as the on screen score bug but it’s much more than that.
To the average viewer, an on-screen scoreboard seems pretty easy but anyone in the video production industry knows how much of a
challenge it can be to have. Live Score has made the process of an on-screen scoreboard simple and easy. I think it adds a level of professionalism to our broadcast.
On a technical level here is how we run Live Score.
As mentioned, we invested in a Daktronics All Sport CG. We plug that into the venue’s All Sport 500 so anything the stadium sends, we receive.
From there, we take the Serial to USB cord and put that USB into a Raspberry Pi mini computer.
So that trailer is always parked outside the stadium press box within 500 feet.
We run a single fiber optic cord from our trailer to the press box. That gives us everything we need.
Cameras, audio, internet, and communications to camera operators and announcers.
Ryan developed a custom program for the Raspberry Pi to read the Daktronics data and send it out via IP over Ethernet to our network switch. That data is then sent over the fiber optic cord back to our network switch in the trailer and then to our trailer computer where the data gets into Live Score.
Our production computer runs Live Score and OBS.
We take full advantage of the NDI output on Live Score and that’s how the scoreboard makes its way onto the final video via OBS.
This video might help explain how we use the Raspberry Pi:
4. You seem to pay a lot of attention to details on colors and positioning. What is important for you when you prepare layouts?
I think it’s great at how easy it is to customize the scoreboard colors, text and logos all within the software and see the real time changes.
Usually at the beginning of a sports season we like to figure out what our scoreboard will look like.
Honestly, we have yet to create our own custom scoreboard so I can’t speak to that but we really like the designs you included for each sport haha!
As you can tell, I like using gradients that have the team color then fade to black where the score will appear.
We match the exact color of the team to ensure it’s correct.
As you can tell, we also have advertising that we sell on the scoreboard.
I like how simple it is to include a blank element and then we add in the sponsor logos in OBS overtop of the scoreboard to fill that blank space.
For football, we matched the angled box and created an ad box center of the scoreboard.
But like I said, the editing of a scoreboard is great because whenever we’re preparing for a broadcast, we open Live Score and it only takes maybe 5 minutes to change the team names and colors around.
There was even one broadcast where we forgot to change the team name and we had to quickly change it mid broadcast but it was super simple to do haha.
4. Which projects and broadcasts have you been involved and what are you currently working on?
We’ve done 1 high school basketball season. 2, high school football seasons, 1 college football season and we’re preparing for another busy football season in the Fall with both high school and college.
It’s going to be our biggest broadcasts yet.
We’re planing to add live aerial coverage via drone, sideline reporting and additional camera angles.
We’re happy we don’t have to stress over scoreboards since we know Live Score will be able to handle all of our scoreboard needs.